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Volume of cylinder: pi*25*21 = 525*pi cubic cm

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Q: A cylindrical juice is 21 cm high and has aradius of 5 cm.what is the volume?
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Related questions

What is the volume of a glass of juice?

The volume of a typical glass of juice is 250 mL.

Does orange juice change volume when poured into a different container?

Orange juice does not change volume when it is poured into a different container. Volume will change if the juice undergoes a process such as concentration.

Why are all liquid containers cylindrical in shape?

The premise of your question is false. Take, for example, a juice box.

Does juice have definite shape and volume?

Shape, no. Volume, yes.

What is the formula to find the volume of a juice box?

Length x Width x Height is the formula to find the volume of a juice box.

Would you use volume or capacity to see how much juice is in a jug?

You would use volume to see how much juice is in a jug.

Fruit drinks are often 27 percent solutions by volume of real juice with water. If a bottle of fruit juice contains 2.00 L what volume of real juice does it contain?


How much powdered juice dissolves completely in 12 cup of water?

The amount of powdered juice that will dissolve completely in 12 cups of water depends on the volume or weight of the powdered juice. Generally, one packet or scoop of powdered juice intended for a specific volume of water should dissolve completely in that volume. It's recommended to follow the instructions on the packaging for the best results.

Why people drink orange juice after blood donation?

There is no medical reason for orange juice. Important is only volume of any juice you like.

What is the proportional relationships between the volume of juice in a cup and the time the juice dispenser has been running?


How many kilograms is 20 liters of juice?

it depends upon the density of the juice. mass=density*volume so when you multiply density of the juice by 20 you will get your answer.

What is a word problem for the volume and surface area of a juice box?
