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A mass of 1.7kg caused a vertical spring to stretch 6m so the spring constant is 2.78.

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Q: A mass of 1.7kg caused a vertical spring to scretch 6m what's the spring constant?
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A 1.2 kg of cheese is placed on a vertical spring of negligible mass and a force constant of 1800 N over m What is the length of compression of the spring?

The weight of the cheese is given by F = mg, where m is the mass of the cheese and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2). The force exerted on the spring is the weight of the cheese, which is equal to the force constant times the compression of the spring (F = kx). Therefore, x = F/k = mg/k. Substituting the given values, we find x = (1.2 kg * 9.8 m/s^2) / 1800 N/m ≈ 0.0066 m or 6.6 mm.

Is the spring constant is constant on the moon?

no the spring constant is not constant on moon because there is no restoring force there

If length of spring is halved spring constant becomes?

The spring constant remains the same regardless of the length of the spring. It is a physical property of the spring material and design, representing its stiffness. Cutting the length of the spring in half will not change its spring constant.

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larger the spring constant of a spring, the more stiffer it is.

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What is the spring constant of a spring?

The ratio of force applied to how much the spring streches (or compresses). In the SI, the spring constant would be expressed in Newtons/meter. A larger spring constant means the spring is "stiffer" - more force is required to stretch it a certain amount.

Why does a large spring constant indicate a stiff spring?

It takes a larger force to compress or pull a spring the same distance as a spring with a smaller spring constant. This is shown in Hooke's law. x=F/k k---is the spring constant F---is the force applied to the spring x is the distance the spring has been compressed

Is spring constant same when contracting?

It depends on the type of spring, but for general purposes the spring constant of materials, as long as it is linear, is the same in extension and contracting.

What is spring constant of an elastic material?

The spring constant of an elastic material is a measure of how stiff the material is. It represents the force required to stretch or compress the material by a certain amount. It is typically denoted by the symbol k and has units of force per unit length or force per unit deformation.

What is the spring constant for a victor mousetrap?

The spring constant for a Victor mousetrap is approximately 1.8 N/m. This means that it takes about 1.8 Newtons of force to compress the spring in the mousetrap by 1 meter.