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Q: Are there still tiger still on earth today?
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What is the wild tiger population?

there are 4 tiger sub species still living today

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How many operation tiger tanks still exist today?

As fare as I know there is only one Tiger 1 that is in operation today. I know there are 4 still under Restoration have no idea how any Tiger IIs are in in operation or under restoration.

What is bigger Bengal tiger or tiger?

The Siberian tiger is the biggest species if tiger today.

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What is the biggest animal still on earth today?

The biggest animal still alive today is the gigantic blue whale.

What caddies has tiger won majors with?

Steve, who is still his caddie today, and his dad. Those are the only ones I think.

Are there still mammoths on Earth today?

Dear Reader, I would like to know does mammoths still live on Earth today. If so how many are there? I'm a eighth grade and I'm just curious.

Who was the shark that killed Bethany Hamilton?

Well, it was a tiger shark, BUT it didn't kill her, she just lost her left arm. She is still alive today, 20 years old, and still surfing.

Would the Tasmanian tiger survive today?

The Tasmanian tiger would stand a good chance of survival today, were it still in existence. As a native marsupial of Australia, it would be protected by law. There is a great deal of wilderness remaining in Tasmania - and many people believe the elusive Thylacine could still exist, hiding in the wilds of Tasmania.

When was Black Earth Tiger album by the band Emanuel created?

Black Earth Tiger was created on 2007-08-28.

What is the number of tigers left on earth?

there are about 1,500 tigers to 3,600 tigers still living on earth today