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Commercials, Halftime Show, Food, Cheerleaders, Drinking, Party, Excitement

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Q: Besides the game itself name something people enjoy about the super bowl?
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Besides the game something people enjoy about the super bowl?

The commercials and the halftime shows.

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do something that people with enjoy watching youtube will help with that

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An odd question. Most people enjoy them because they have become used to the taste. Others enjoy them because they are pleasing to their taste buds. Besides, whats not to like about them?

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Well, obviously people who like animals. Besides that, people who are good at and enjoy math and science.

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do something that people would enjoy. Give it a cool name to.

Is enjoy a prefix?

Enjoy itself is not a prefix. En- however is a prefix.

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Do you enjoy pie?

Yes, pie is the best food!! (Besides bread) :)

To like doing something meaning?

When someone says that they like doing something it means they want to do it. These people are happy when they are doing what they enjoy.

What does Miley Cyrus enjoy besides singing?

Miley just enjoy hanging out and be with friends and family and just liveind it up

How do people enjoy stupidity?

Most of the time i enjoy a stupid show or two because if i work really hard and long that something that isnt that easy it makes me feel very smart to watch something stupid.