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Q: Could you be pregnant not had a period due to stopping the depo but you have sore and hard nipples please help?
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You have Mirena IUC and had your period for 4 days which is uncommon your breasts and nipples have become extremely sore please help?

You are probably pregnant.

Can you be on your period and get pregnant?

I want you to please answer the question''

My dog is about medium size It was about 4 to 5 weeks ago that we thought she might be pregnant Her nipples are bigger but what can i do to know that she is really pregnant Please help?

take the dog to the vetenarian and have them check it out

Can you get pregnant after your safe days?

What do you mean by safe days? During your period or before you ovulate? Explain please :)

To be pregnant and have a period one month but miss the next month?

Its not possible you dont have your period at all if you pregnant and you wont have a normal period if you are its possible that it wont even come on which is a missed period. Most women do mistake periods for implantation bleeding (spotting),which is not a period just because they see a red spot or they bleeding on and off their pregnant while their on there period, no it doesnt work that way if you having periods while your pregnant please get checked.

Can you pregnant if you don't have a period?

I only have one period a year (maybe). my fiance and i really want to have a baby. Can you get pregnant if you don't have a period? Or do you only have one chance a year to get pregnant? I have went to many doctors but birth control didn't help me regulate my period and even if it did, then i definitely wouldn't be able to conceive. Please help!

What could be wrong if you have sore nipples one week before your period is due?

waiting for a period can cause sore breasts (nipples included) headaches, cramps, being bloated and mood changes. Having sore nipples doesn't always mean you are pregnant. If you are not using a birth control method then please do! If you are single then ALWAYS have your partner use a condom to protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

How can you tell if youre pregnant while on your period I also use my Birth Control patch correctly and a condom everytime. Please help me. Thanks.?

In general if you have your period you are not pregnant. You can take a home pregnancy test if you are unsure.

I had miscarriage 3weeks ago and i haven see my period yet but i already making love with my husband can i fall pregnant before my period?

Yes you can fall pregnant as you will ovulate before you have a period. If you feel you are not quite ready yet to try for another baby please use contraception

Are you pregnant if you spotted for 2 weeks after you period your stomach hurts have been barfing please help?

Take a pregnancy test, if you feel that you might be pregnant, it will give you your answer and put you at ease.

I might be 2months pregnant I'm having brown spotting off and on please tell me what's going on?

Hi. If you are pregnant, you need to see your Doctor or go to hospital to make certain you are not pregnant. Brown spotting can occur during early pregnancy and is usually harmless, but it is always best to be certain. If you are not pregnant, the brown spotting may be a urinary tract infection or a yeast infection, from recently stopping/starting birth control pills, recently taking morning after pill or due to your period about to arrive.

Can you become pregnant if you have unpretected sex the day after your period begins?

As with all sex, the chances of falling pregnant are lowered when having safe sex. Having your period means the time of menstruation also lowers the chance of falling pregnant. However, there is no guarantee that you will not get pregnant.