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Q: Could you explain the concept of apparent weight with simple and easy examples because iam unable to understand this concept even after reading the example of Archimedes also?
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Formula of Archimedes?

Archimedes Principle states that when an object is put in water, or some other fluid, the buoyant force exerted on it is equal to the weight of the fluid that the object displaces. This means that if an object is partially submerged in water, its apparent weight will lessen because of the force exerted upwards on it by the water.

How does Archimedes principle explain the floating or sinking of an object?

just shut up. understand it. because i am asking this answere from you. andyou O.....h god how disgusting

Why is Archimedes remembered?

because hes not you

How many educational degrees did Archimedes receive?

None, because that's not how they did things when Archimedes was alive.

Why is Archimedes famous?

because it wrote serious play

What was Archimedes full name?

I'm not sure but I think it is Archimedes of Syracuse. ??

Did Archimedes invent math?

Yes, Because nool, deal with it

Why is the earth in the spot it is?

Because it is. There is no apparent reason or cause for anything being where it is in the natural world (beyond trivial examples) that requires more than "that happens to be where it is, so that is where it is".

Why did Archimedes first use the symbol Pi?

Archimedes first used the symbol PI because he was the first one to discover it so he wanted to investigate about it.

Why did Archimedes discover the law of hydrostatics?

Probably because he was a smart guy.

Why did Archimedes use the pi symbol?

Archimedes first used the symbol PI because he was the first one to discover it so he wanted to investigate about it.

Who invented the oil pump?

Archimedes, because the first pump technical was invented by him.