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Q: Did India ever take part in equestrian events in the Olympics?
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Did Sweden ever host the Olympics?

The 1912 Summer Olympics were held in Stockholm, Sweden and the equestrian events of the 1956 Summer Games were also held in Stockholm.

Has English Royalty ever won a metal at the Olympics?

Yes, this year in equestrian. A cousin of the princes.

What events are in Karate for this year's Olympics in Beijing?

Karate is not and hasn't ever been an event in the Olympics. Tae Kwon Do is an Olympic event.

In what country are olympic cycling events held?

In what ever country that gets to host the Summer Olympics.

How were the winners determined in the ancient greek Olympics?

its as simple as "who ever finishes first" for running events, however for wrestling events and stuff ... ask someone smarter (:

Has India ever hosted the Olympics?

Australia has hosted summer Olympics twice. Once in 1956 and again in 2000. However, in 1956 games Equestrian events were held five months prior to the main event in Sweden as quarantine regulations did not allow the conduct of Equestrian events in Australia.

Who is the oldest person to compete at the Olympics?

The Swedish shooter Oscar Swahn was 64 when he won a gold medal in shooting during the 1912 Stockholm Games. Hiroshi Hoketsu is a Japanese equestrian who finished 9th in the Dressage Team Grand Prix and 35th in the Dressage Individual Grand Prix at the 2008 Summer Olympics. He was 67 years old.

How many yerars have the Olympics been around for?

ever since ancient Greece time when Athens held the 1st Olympics and boy did they have OTHER events like spear javalin and bull riding

Your equestrian on Howrse centerwhat can i write?

What ever you want i guess

Why was the games named the Olympics?

Because the first ever ever ever Olympics were in Olympia so they got the name Olympics. and if did not know Olympia is in Greece

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Who was Australia's first ever gold medallist?

Edwin Flack won the 800 metre and 1500 metre athletic events at the Athens Olympics in 1896.