

Differences between football and baseball

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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In football you use your foot only, in Baseball you use a bat and run to a base or score a home run. There is big difference between the two.

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Q: Differences between football and baseball
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Baseball and football are both alike and different in many ways. I am going to start with the alikeness. Baseball and football are both sports that allow you to use your hands. They both have professional players. Now, for the differences! In football, you kick the ball while in baseball you pitch the ball with a bat. In football, you need a lot more padding and you need to wear a helmet. In baseball, you only wear a helmet when you are batting. In baseball, you use a round ball while in football you use a oblong ball. Football is a fast-moving game while baseball is a slow game. In football you compete for offense, while in baseball you take turns.

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Are baseball cleats the same as football cleats?

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What is the difference between baseball and football cleats?

Differences in Sports CleatsFootball cleats are the heaviest and most supportive. soccer cleats are light and fit your foot tighter than Baseball or football cleats. . Some soccer cleats are lighter than professional running shoes. Most soccer cleats are very thin but they don't were down easily. Baseball cleats are thicker and they have least pointy spikes because your mostly in the dirt. The most important distinction is that soccer cleats, unlike football and baseball cleats, do not have a cleat on the bottom of the toe.