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No, you don't. It is important to learn the basics of Ballet before starting pointe work. Teachers suggest that you train for a few years to establish the required strength and technique.

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Q: Do you get your pointe shoes right away when you start ballet?
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Im 14 and 10 stone you want to start ballet what shoes do you start with?

Start with soft leaher shoes because pointe are for advanced ask you ballet teacher about shoes and more

Can you take pointe without any experience?

No.Your supposed to take ballet for a couple of years. Pointe requires a lot of strength in the toes, feet, and legs. If you were to just put on pointe shoes and start dancing, you would have the risk of injuring yourself greatly. But if you have ballet experience, then pointe would be okay to try.

What percentage of girls that start ballet get to pointe?

It takes a long time to get to be strong enough for a girl to start pointe. It took me ten years. This past fall was my first year on pointe; i didn't even where my pointe shoes for my recital because i am still not strong enough. it takes time and patience.

What are the shoes you need to wear in ballet?

you start with just simple ballet flats, usually made from canvas. can be split soled. then you progress to demi pointe's which help to build up ankle support and get you used to the feeling of boxes and then pointe's. very hard! :)

How old do you have to be in ballet to have pointe shoes?

The age that you start on pointe differs depending where you do ballet. Some schools even get girls as young as seven to go on pointe. Though I do not entirely agree with this as their legs are not developed or strong enough yet. It also can take up to 6 or so months once you get your pointe shoes (or even before) to complete training exercises to make sure you are ready and capable enough to go on pointe! It really all depends on a. how strong your legs are and b. when your teacher says she wants you to go on pointe! :D p.s. I started pointe at 11 :)

What do they wear in ballet?

In class/lessons you would most likely wear a leotard with ballet-pink stockings and ballet slippers or pointe shoes. If you were performing you would wear a tutu with stockings and Pointe shoes. You don't always wear pointe shoes, sometimes you wear ballet shoes/slippers.

Ballet that start with a g?

Grangte'... it is a leap in en pointe'

How long after you start ballet can you dance Demi pointe?

If you are talking about demi pointe shoes (otherwise known at soft blocks) your teacher may recommend you to wear them. I recently got my demi pointe shoes and have been taking ballet classes for just over a year (now at grade 4). Mine were very uncomfortable at first, but you just have to break them in, just like you would for a regular pointe shoe. If in any doubt talk to you ballet teacher, they could give you some advice about whether you should need soft blocks. Also if you are taking RAD intermediate exams, I believe it is compulsory to have demi pointe shoes. Not completely sure though, i would double check. Good luck and hope this was some help to you:)

What grade in ballet do you get pointe shoes?

It can vary depending on where you live, how your grading system works and which dance school you go to. Mainly, you start pointe-work at grade 5 and carry on through grade 6, plus any more grades after that if you are still dancing.

What happens if you are not ready for pointe?

you just need to wait until your ballet instructor thinks your ready, our if you haven't a ballet teacher start going to a ballet school.

What grade do you wear pointe shoes in RAD?

In RAD, you start wearing pointe shoes in Intermediate Foundation.

How do you get into pointe?

you don't exactly get into pointe. you don't have to be a certain age. you start pointe when your teacher thinks your ready. you need to have the right legs that are strong ,powerful, graceful, and can handle any difficult moves that are put to them. You need to have a lot of strength to be able to stay on pointe. If you are getting your first pair of pointe shoes going to the national ballet school's 'The Shoe room, is a perfect way to decide what kind of shoe (out of millions) you need. The Shoe room is in Toronto Ontario and appointments only take 20 minutes!