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Q: Do you need a gun license to own a paintball gun in wa?
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Do you need a gun license in USA to own a fire arm?

You don't need a gun license if you are 25 but if your under 25 you do need a gun license

Were can you shoot a paintball gun?

At paintball fields, or on your own property.

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Do you need a license for a paintball gun in northern Ireland?

Yes you would need a firearms licence in N. Ireland however, You cannot because a paintball marker is classified as a firearm(if a mechanism has to potential of firing a projectile over 1 joule of energy out of the muzzle it is classed as a firearm) and the firearms reg act of 2005 basically states that no person can have a firearm's licence for a paintball gun because it can only be used for recreation purposes. cannot have justifiable cause to own one Licences have only be given out to people who own a paintball centre trust me i have been trying to get a licence for over a year now the PSNI will not allow it If you do have a paintball marker but no licence you could get a fine.

What age is needed to own a shot gun license?

To get a gun license you would need to go into a gun store in the town you live in and ask for the information you need.

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Do you need a gun license to own a non-firing replica gun in the United States?

No, you do not.

Do you need a gun license to own a gun in warren county va?

No, nowhere in VA.

Is it legal to own a paintball gun in Staten Island?

There is no liscencing for paintball guns in the US.

How old do you have to be to own a paintball gun in California?


How old do you need to own a gun license?

That depends if your state requires a license. Most don't.

Do you need a gun license to own a paint ball gun?

yes because it can hurt sometimes