

Does a basketball go height then a bounce ball?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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It depends on the boucy ball but a decent one can go wayhigher than a basket ball

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Q: Does a basketball go height then a bounce ball?
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How long can a basketball bounce?

Several factors affect the bounce of a basketball including the height that it was dropped from. The bounce factor includes elasticity, air pressure, force applied to it, and how rigid the surface is that the ball is bounced on.

How high do bouncy balls bounce?

the ball bounce high cause of the air in the ball If there is more air pressure in the ball it will bounce higher likewise if there is less air pressure it will bounce lower. This could be done by exposing the ball in different temperatures. If the ball gets hotter it will bounce higher and if gets colder it will bounce lower.

What makes a basketball bounce higher?

when more pressure is applied to a basketball the ball bounces higher. your strength matters. if your strong, you throw the ball on the ground with all your might it will go very high. air inside the ball also matters. if 3/4 of the ball or less is full the ball will barely bounce. in fact there are chances it will not bounce at all no matter how strong you are. you need to make sure that the ball is full of air if you want it to bounce

Does mud on a tennis ball affect the height of its bounce?

not as far as you know is not a good answer because it does not explain. the mud will make the tennis ball heavier and denser if it has water in it the ball heavy wont go far for its bounce.

How does the drop-height affect the number of times the bouncy ball bounces?

The higher the boiuncy ball is the more times if u do it with a small bouncy ball but if you do it with a big bouncy ball it will stay the same ever time u go up in height. The smaller the bouncy ball the more times it will bounce at a higher drop-height but if you try it with a big bounce ball it will still the same number of times each time you go up in inches

Do different surfaces affect the bounce of a bsketball?

Yes. If the surface is soft the basketball will not bounce as high, but if the surface is like a gym floor the basketball will bounce extrememly well. Also you have into consideration the force of friction. The more friction the surface can produce the slower the ball will go.

How high will ball bounce?

Depends on the kind of ball- and whether you mean the size of the ball, or how high it can go in flight. A basketball is large than a golf ball.

How would the temperature effect the bounce of a basketball?

The temperature of a room will effect the amount a ball will rebound (bounce) off the floor, off a backboard or rim. If a basketball is filled with air to the regulation pressure and then it is moved to a room with a higher temperature, the ball will soon start to bounce more. Alternatively if you move it a cooler room it will bounce less. This is because: Pressure = Volume x Temperature. As the temperature rises (assuming there is no leak in the ball to allow the volume of air to escape) the pressure on the inside of the ball will increase, this will increase the bounce of the ball. If, instead of the temperature rising, it decreases the pressure on the inside of the ball will go down and the bounciness of the ball will go down as well.

How do different types of basketballs affect how high the ball will bounce?

ok so the men's basketball is heavier obviously while the girls is a little bit lighter. Therefore the heavier of the ball the more muscel you need to make it go higher. This shows the girls basketball would be easier to bounce high.

Which ball goes the highest?

The height of ball will depend on how much force is used to hit the ball and what kind of ball is being hit. A golf ball will go much higher than a basketball or football.

Does the size of a ball affect its bounce?

Yes if the ball is bigger it weighs more and the more weight the ball has the higher it will bounce but the height its dropped from also has to do with the how high it bounces Yes if the ball is bigger it weighs more and the more weight the ball has the higher it will bounce but the height its dropped from also has to do with the how high it bounces

Does the size of a ball effect how high it bounces?

Not to any appreciable extent. Bounce is caused by the elasticity of the material comprising the ball and the surface on which it is bounced.For example, on concrete a basketball will bounce higher than a baseball, but a golf ball--How high it bounces depends on how much force you exert on it. If you only let it drop, it will not bounce higher that the point you dropped it from and every time it bounces, it will go less and less high. anyway, the bigger the ball, the more force you will have to exert on it to make it bounce higher than the point it was dropped, or "bounced" from.