

Does a rectangle have acute sides?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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No, a rectangle has 90 degree angles, also known as right angles.

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Q: Does a rectangle have acute sides?
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How many acute angle are in a rectangle?

There are no acute angles in a rectangle which has 4 equal interior right angles

What has 2 pairs of parellel sides they have 2 acute angles and 2 obtuse angles?

A rhombus and a parallelogram but not a rectangle or a square

What is the differences in a triangle and a rectangle?

The main differences are. A triangle is three sided while a rectangle is four sided. The corners of a triangle can be any angle. All corners of a rectangle must be 90 degrees. This means that the left and right sides are parallel, and the top and bottom sides are parallel.

What is the smallest acute angle in a rectangle with side of 12 and 16?

A rectangle has 4 right angles. There are no acute angles.

How is a rhombus and rectangle different?

A rhombus has 4 equal sides with 2 acute and 2 obtuse interior angles whereas a rectangle has 2 pairs of equal sides of different lengths and 4 equal interior right angles

How many acute sides does a trapezoid have?

Sides cannot be acute.

Does a rectangle contain no acute angle?

Yes, a rectangle has no acute angle (i.e. no angle less than 90 degrees).

Does a rectangle have 2 acute and 2 obtuse angles?

A rectangle has no acute angles and no obtuse angles. It has 4 right angles.

What has consecutative sides a different length and no acute angles or obtuse angles?

With no acute or obtuse angles, the shape must only have right angles. For a quadrilateral, that limits it to a square or rectangle. Because each side has a different length than the one next to it, it has to be a rectangle.(Or, it could be a shape with any amount of sides above 4, as long as the angles are all right angles)

How many sides does rectangle have?

A rectangle has 4 sides.

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A rectangle has _____ sides.

What is a rectangle with no sides?

A rectangle with no sides is no longer a rectangle as a rectangle HAS 4 sides. The x-y plane is an infinite flat area with no limits (sides) to it.