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Yes, it is very important.

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Q: Does hand size affect a person's ability to make a jump shot?
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On 'My Player' does adjusting shot release and jump shot base actually change your player's ability to score on nba 2k12?

Yes, they affect the player's ability to shoot more easilty but it doesn't effect it much.

Does a persons height affect his or her ability to successfully make a jump shot in basketball?

i say no because im 5,9 and mi friend is 5,7 and he jump higher than me so height don't have any thing to do with it i say no too because i have a friend who is 6'2' and i jump higher than him and i am only 5'6'' its all about yourr technique

Why was high jump invented?

The high jump was invented to test the ability of the anchient Greeks

How does momentum affect Long Jump?

Momentum is what (throws) you forward into the jump.

What is the affect of a grasshoppers environment?

Grasshoppers respond to their environment very well. Their strength to fend enemies is their hind legs. They have the ability to jump 20 times more than their length.

What are cognitive motor skills?

Cognitive motor skills are your ability to balance, use hand-eye coordination, move around/jump, basically all your abilities needed to function efficiently.

Do lice jump?

They actually can't jump, they can only crawl from one persons head to the others.

Does the size of your head affect how far you can jump?

no your head size does not affect how far you jump. Whoever this is who said that is what Mr. Ayetiwa said your wrong.

Why elephants jump?

Elephants are the only mammals in the world that can not jump. Although they are the largest land animal, they lack the ability to jump. This is because they do not have the flexibility or spring mechanisms that are required to jump.

A child's ability to jump for distance is an example of?

explosive power

Does height affect the length of your jump?

No it doesn't because the taller you are the shorter the distance you jump when you get measured

Why are valence electrons significant?

They are significant because they determine what element would be in a specific block (s,p,d,f).