

Does karate have more belts than Tae Kwon Do?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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This depends on the style of karate. Some have only solid color belts: white, yellow, green, blue, brown, black; while others have stripes associated: white, white w/ yellow, yellow, yellow w/green, etc.

Other styles may include orange, purple, red and various other stripe systems.

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Q: Does karate have more belts than Tae Kwon Do?
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In my experience, I found Tae Kwon Do to be a more advanced and proper martial art than Karate.

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Their are different style's of Karate with Different good or Bad points 'Shodokan is lower and is more solid, Gojo is more upright and better flow, also different instructor's with different perspectives and levels of experience and ability to pass on that experience as is the same for Tai Kwon Do, Basically Tai Kwon Do has better jumping/ spinning Kicks where as Karate is generally more grounded and has more punches/strikes with lower solid kicks.

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Tae kwon do is the Korean version of karate. Neither is 'better' than the other. It will also depend upon what the student is looking for. Visit both dojo and see what you like and don't like about what you see.

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There are many different strikes in this defense. There is the chest or face thrust, front or side of the head strike, single hand grab, and both hands grab. There are actually more than 10,000 techniques.

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No, there are no more issue than with karate then any other sport.

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No, they both have about the same durability.

Who was the original instructor of karate?

There is no one original instructor. Karate was created by many instructors in the 1800s in Okinawa. It developed further after learning from china, mainly fuchou - Taiwan. Then became karate. There are many groups or types, for example, in the 1800s there was nahate, tomarite and shurite. Nahate was created by kanryo higaonna and later into gojuryu by chosen miyagi and many splinter groups in japan and Okinawa. Japan and Okinawa does it differently. Karate means empty hand in Japanese. Tang soo do and tae Kwon do is Korean and it is not karate. They used more feet than hand.

Safety belts increase your chance of surviving a collision by more than?

By more than 50%

Why did the karate instructor admire Santa?

He delivered more kicks in one night than the karate instructor did in all his years of teaching!