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Q: How can you find an example for to animal races that belong to the same species?
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How many species of eagle are there?

There is only one species, but two subspecies, the northern bald eagle and the southern. There are also several races, but all belong to the same species.

Which of the following sub - races belong to mongoloids?

The sub-races that belong to Mongoloids are East Asians, Southeast Asians, Central Asians, Arctic Native Americans, and Indigenous peoples of the Americas.

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What book addressed the mutation of plants and animal life over time?

'On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection , or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life .' - Charles Darwin

Is the bighorn sheep endangered species?

Not as a species, but a couple of races are in trouble. See IUCN Redlist.

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What does it mean to be part of an interacial couple?

When someone refers to an interracial couple means that people of the couple belong to different races. For example, an interracial couple would be a couple formed by a Chinese and an African.

What is the skin color of a new born?

Depends upon what species they are; however, generally among mammals, newborns are pink. Humans for example though, have different races within their species, some are born with a darker skin tone than others.

How did the leopard become an endangered mammal?

As a species leopards are not endangered, but some races are. To see endangered races, check the IUCN Redlist.

Do alien races have animal characteristics?

There are no known "alien races", so the question is more or less meaningless even if "animal characteristics" was defined well enough for us to tell.

In 1859 Darwin published his revolutionary scientific ideas in what book?

"The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or, The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life"

Is the mountain lion species threatened?

Some races are, as the Florida panther is endangered..