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Q: How do the amount of a rock's surface area affect its rate of weathering?
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Related questions

How chemical weathering affect rock?

Chemical weathering affects rocks rain, wind or ice . Chemical weathering is the process that changes the composition ( the inside) of rocks on the earth surface.

How does the size of an exposed rock affect its rate of weathering-?

When rocks are larger, the surface area is more exposed making the rate of weathering greater.

How does physical weathering affect weathering?

The rocks will into pieces.

How do cracks affect weathering rates of rocks?

How do cracks affect the rate of weathering

How do weathering and erosion affect earths surface?

Weathering and erosion is wind or water that breaks away rock or soil. The rocks they carry can erode away other rocks.

How does physical and chemical weathering combine to affect rocks?

they both shape the earths surface and so in that way it shapes rocks. Mechanical weathering has release of pressure freezing and thawing and so on and so on

How does physical weathering affect rocks?

The rocks will into pieces.

What releases chemical weathering of rocks on earths surface?

When chemical weathering occurs on the rocks of earths surface, the earth lets out Phosphorus.Answer: Phosphorus

How do physical weathering and chemical weathering affect rocks in the same way.?

Physical weathering and chemical weathering both break down rocks.

What is the Basal surface of weathering?

Basal Surface of Weathering is also known as the Weathering Front, which is the boundary between weathered and unweathered rocks.

The breaking down and changing of rocks at or near earth's surface is called?


Where does weathering of a rock take place?

Weathering of rocks occur on the outer surface.