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Q: How do you calculate the missing angle of an equilateral?
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Can an equilateral triangle have a total of 120 degrees?

no because an equilateral triangle is a total of 180 degrees not 120. but if you need to find the missing angle or missing degree then yes!

Is an equilateral angle also an acute angle?

There is no such thing as an equilateral angle. Equilateral refers to a shape whose sides are of equal length. The lengths of the sides of an angle are indeterminate.

A equilateral where each angle is a right angle?

A square.

An equilateral where each angle is a right angle?

A square.

Is equilateral an angle?


Is it possible to have an equilateral right angle triangle?

No, an equilateral triangle always has 3 equal angles (each angle is 60°)

What is the measure of each angle in an acute equilateral triangle?

Each interior angle of an equilateral triangle measures 60 degrees

What type of angle is the largest in an equilateral triangle?

An obtuse angle

Can an equilateral have a right angle?

No, an equilateral triangle can't have a right angle, because an equilateral triangle has 3 equal angles of 60 degrees that add up to 180 degrees.

Does every equilateral have an acute angle?


What is an angle that has the same measurement?


Can you draw an equilateral acute triangle?

Yes because the measure of each angle in an equilateral triangle is 60 degrees which is an acute angle.