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A trapezoid is a two-dimensional shape, so it doesn't have surface area. The AREA of a trapezoid is:

(Base1+Base2) X Height Divided/Over 2.

For example: Imagine a trapezoid. Base 1 (top) measures 6 and Base 2 (bottom) measures 8. The height of the trapezoid from B1 to B2 is ''3''.


(6+8)x3 Divided by 2

14x3 Divided by 2

42 Divided by 2

Ans: 21^2

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Q: How do you calculate the surface area of an trapezoid?
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How do you calculate the area of a trapezoid?


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A trapezoid has one surface and its surface area in square units is 0.5*(sum of parallel sides)*height

How many sides do you need to know to calculate the area of a trapezoid?

To calculate the area of a trapezoid, you have to know the lengths of three sides because 1/2*(sum of parallel sides)*perpendicular height = area

What is the surface area for a trapezoid?

H(b1+ b2)/ 2

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You find the surface area of each of its six faces and add them together.

How can you calculate the area of trapezoid?

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What is the formula for calculate the volume of trapezoid?

There is none because a trapezoid is a 2D shape but if you meant the area it is:- Area in square units = 0.5*(sum of parallel sides)*height

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You need to:* Calculate the surface area * Calculate the volume * Divide the surface area by the volume

How do you calculate surface area to volume?

surface area divided by volume

What is the formula to find volume of a trapezoid?

The trapezoid is a plane figure which has surface Area, but no volume but if there was a 3d figure your equation would be. The Surface Area of a trapezoid = ½(b1+b2) x h X Height of figure.