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Q: How do you find the height of a quadrilateral?
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What is the formula to find the area of a quaderilateral?

The formula for the area of a quadrilateral is... BASE*HEIGHT/3

How do you find the area of quadrilateral?

It is normally length times perpendicular height for most of them.

How do you find the height when you only have the total square feet and the width?

If you only have square feet, you won't be able to find the height, unless you're mistaking height for length. Area in square feet of a quadrilateral is width times length. To find the length, divide the area by the width.

The area of a quadrilateral?

, I will tell you how to get the area of a quadrilateral... First, you take the height of the shape( quadrilateral ). Next, take the bottom line of the shape. Finnaly, you times the height by the bottom line and you get the area! Now, you can brag to your friends...

How do you find area of a quadrilateral?

In a general quadrilateral, there are no parallel sides and so any formula using "height" is almost cetainly incorrect. Assuming that you have all the information that is required to carry out the computations, you need to draw one of the diagonals, find the areas of the two triangles formed and add these together.

How do you find the area of a 4 sided quadrilateral?

Firstly, all quadrilaterals are four sided. That is a the definition of a quadrilateral - a four sided figure. One way is to find the area of each half (i.e. two triangles) and add them together. The area of a triangle is half the length of the base times the height.

How is the area enclosed by a quadrilateral calculated?

You can calculate the area of any quadrilateral by dividing it into two triangles and summing their areas. A triangle's area is found by multiplying the base by the half of the height (when height measured perpendicular to the base)

What does bh mean in the formula for area?

Multiply the base time the height of the triangle or quadrilateral.

What is the formula of the area of a quadrilateral?

The formula is bXh or base times height. if for instance you had a quadrilateral with a base that is 2 inches in length and is 3 inches high its area would be 6in2 .

How do you find a parallelogram in a quadrilateral?

It's not a matter of 'finding' it. Either the quadrilateral is a parallelogram,or else it is not one.If the opposite sides of the quadrilateral are parallel, then it's a parallelogram.

How do you find area of a quadrilateral in a circle?


How do you find perimeter of a quadrilateral?

A quadrilateral is a four sided figure, so sum the lengths of its four sides.