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Your an idiot, it can't be done on multiplayer PS3. What you saw was glitch on the R* server. I have been playing online (gta4 ps3) since the day it came out (earned 10 million total on multiplayer and not on Noose) and have never seen anyone "spawn a car and stuff". I have seen weird things like, cars appearing as I drive through the city, piles and piles of cars falling over each other, ambulances and or fire trucks appearing in piles. Pedestrians spawing over and over, weird sh!t. Player who won't die or take damage well after they have spawned. It's all server glitches bro. Want more reliable servers, pay for the XBox online service then you can have right to complain. But as long as PS3 online is FREE service, we'll have to tolerate a certain degree of crashes and glitches and bears oh' my!

The only other explanation is that what you saw, really was real, in which case you are still an idiot, but it was one of the R* developers "behaving stupidly" as our great presideidiot would put it.

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Q: How do you hack into gta 4 I was playing it in multiplayer on my PS3 and this guy was respawnding cars an stuff I was asking him how he was doin it he wouldn't tell me If you can hack it how?
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