

How do you ollie way way way high?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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I hope the following helps:

1. Put your front foot only SLIGHTLY left/right (dependent on your stance) from the center, this will level out the board the most, allowing for more height to be gained (note: ollie height is measured by the lowest point of your board). 2. Place your back foot about halfway on and off the tail. 3."Pop" the tail down. (push down on the tail to bring the front of the board up.) 4.Jump as HIGH as you can, most beginners seem to think that ollies are magical and will send you high without any effort. 5.Turn your front foot inwards and slide it as straight forward as possible, and as far as possible without moving it off the board. 6.Suck your knees up towards your chest, the board will only go as high as your feet.

7.Land It! Bend your knees to help absorb the impact more.

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Its spelled and pronounced the same way as in English: Ollie

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No way in the world.

What is the best way to learn how to ollie?

The way i learned how to ollie was from watching some videos. That will help to teach you the basics of the ollie, but you pretty much have to just go out and try it. Everyone has a different tecnique, so find a way that works for you. PS:Learning to ollie will take some time. Dont give up and get frustrated. It took me half a year to ollie before it came to me naturally. _______________________________________________________________________ Try to do it on the carpet stationary. And watch Tony Hawks Trick tip on youtube for it. it really helped me allot. Now i can ollie 20 in.!!

How do you do an Ollie without speed and get high?

You can't get air without speed

Is it good if an 11 year old can ollie at least a foot high?

Yes that is good. most younger children cannot ollie above a foot.

Is it necessary that skateboard tail touches the ground while popping an Ollie?

no, sometimes i don't hit the ground when I'm doing an ollie but you don't do as high :)

What is a skateboard ollie?

an ollie is a way of getting to a higher ground. basically like if you were bmxing and were going to do a bunny hop except with a skateboard.

Is there more then one way to ollie on a skateboard?

Kind've but it will look different then the original way.

When you ollie on a skateboard how do you make the tail come up faster?

WELL, that's the reason that you slide your foot up when you ollie. If your problem is you're not getting high enough, then suck up both your legs to your chest after you pop and slide your foot up. Making new connections in your brain, like how to ollie, takes a lot of practice, so don't feel bad if you can't ollie well yet. It took me like 4 months to ollie high enough to ollie a curb! And it took me like 9 months to kickflip moving!