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The answer depends on the units used for 5: is it 5 days, 5 months or 5 seconds?

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Q: How do you round 5 to the nearest half year?
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When rounding to the nearest thousand (1000), half the numbers (1000 ÷ 2 = 500) round up, and the other half round down - except for those which are exactly half-way: they round up. Thus the largest number that will round to 27,000 to the nearest thousand must round down to it and is 27,000 + 500 - 1 = 27,499.

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8/12 = .6666 ~ .5 = 1/2 However, if your rules say you round up, then the nearest half would be 1.

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4 and 7/8 rounds up to 5.

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Half of 10 is 5.So numbers in the range 800 ± 5 round to 800 to the nearest 10, except that numbers exactly half way round up. Thus all numbers greater than or equal to 800 - 5 round up to 800 and all numbers less than 800 + 5 round down to 800,That is all numbers greater than or equal to 795 and less than 805 will round to 800 to the nearest 10.

How do round a fraction to the nearest half?

if the number after the first number after the decimal is 1-4, round it to 0. If it is 5-9, round it one higher number. EX: 4.56 rounds to 5.00, and 4.54 rounds to 4.50. They mostly round up to the nearest half number (like you said). It's not that hard to round numbers.

If you had the number 353.25ft how would you round that number to the nearest whole foot?

To round a number to the nearest whole number, you round down if the number after the decimal place is less than 5, that is, if it is less than half a unit. If the number after the decimal place is 5 or more, you round up. So 353.25 ft is 353 to the nearest ft. Thanks so much!!!

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5 inches is less than half a foot, so round down to 0 (zero) feet.

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To the nearest tenth: 4.5To the nearest whole number: 5