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It is probably just as easy to learn to actually break a board as it is to work out a way of making it a trick. It really isn't that hard, but you do need a good instructor. Without proper instruction you could break bones in your hand very easily.

I tried this and it worked. 1. Get a board. 2. Saw it in half. 3. glue it back together with glue that can hold it together but not too hard. 4. Paint it BLACK, make sure you get it all in the crack so it's (basically) invisible. 5. Make sure your friend stands at a distance. 6. DO NOT PUNCH THE BOARD, chop it or hit it with your palm, do not punch it unless you are wearing hand protection. 7. This Step Is Optional: Wrap your hand and put a sand bag in front of your fist in the wraps. 8. BREAK THE BOARD.

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Q: How do you trick your friends into thinking you can break a board?
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How do you break a board?

The trick to breaking a board is to remember exactly WHY boards break. Boards break because boards bend. There's absolutely nothing magical about the process. Grandmaster Forrest G. Blair is an 8th Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan USA. He has a great video on his blog explaining how and why boards break (and then demonstrating with an unsupported break - very difficult). Check out the video and I think you'll have a better understanding of how to get the job done, no matter what type of break you do.

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