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Q: How does a model describe known data and predict future data?
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What is a model and what are two things a model must do?

A model is a visual or mathematical representation used to develop scientific explanations. It must conform to known experimental results and predict future experiment results accurately.

How do time-series methods work?

This forecasting model uses historical data to try to predict future events.

What would happen to the current model of the atom if the new information about its structure is discovered in the future?

It's difficult to predict, isn't it, because we cannot predict what that new information might prove to be.

How do scientists draw conclusions about whether a model reflects reality?

They predict the future values of relevant variables using the model, then wait for the future to come and see if the predictions were right. For example, ALL of the Global Warming Models completely FAILED to predict the temperatures of the last 10-15 years. That means they do not reflect reality very well.

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A model that lets you predict things-

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a computer model

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The effect on time on a system model makes it towards scientist can measure things in real time & make models to describe what happened in the past & what might happen in the future.

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What is the name for a model that uses numbers to predict what will happen?

a mathmatical

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The Health Belief Model refers to psychological model that helps predict and explain the health behaviors.

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