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you're body weight builds momentum which accelerates the speed and or distance

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Q: How does momentum affect how far you jump?
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Related questions

How does momentum affect Long Jump?

Momentum is what (throws) you forward into the jump.

How does momentum affect jumping?

Momentum is what (throws) you forward into the jump.

How does the running distance before a jump affect the distance of the jump?

because you get momentum and tou're moving faster.

Does the size of your head affect how far you can jump?

no your head size does not affect how far you jump. Whoever this is who said that is what Mr. Ayetiwa said your wrong.

Does the size of your head affect how far you jump?

no it does not there is no relationship what so ever with your head size and how far you jump

Why is speed important for high jump?

you need speed in triple jump to gain momentum to propel your forward in the jump. without it your jump will not be that far

How do you do long jump the correctly way?

You normally sprint until the line then you jump as far as you can (make sure you land on 2 feet not on your bum!)

What does momentum have to do with figure skating?

i am a 12 yr old figure skater and what momentum has to do with it is if you jump or spin, you need alot of momentum to get you to jump higher! SOrry, 12 year old girl, you arent allwoed on this site. Be gone.

Why athelete has to run before taking long jump?

An athelet always runs before jumping to gain momentum.This helps in jumping higher and longer as the rate of change of momentum becomes less and that is why he can jump higher and longer with the same amount of force.

How do seat belts affect your momentum during an accident?

They merge your momentum with that of the entire vehicle.

Why does momentum affect accidents?

Because momentum effect the ability of the driver to stop on time.

Can using your momentum help you jump farther?

Yes, that is one of the many key things you need to jump farther.