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Mostly because, assuming it just one segment, a midpoint by definition (mid- means middle) is the point at the exact middle of a line segment; whereas the length of the segment is the entire length of the segment. Pretty much, a midpoint is a point in the middle of the line, the length is the measurement of the same line.

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Q: How is the midpoint of a segment different from the length of a segment?
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What does midpoint of a segment mean?

If you travel along the length of the segment from one end to the other, whether it is curved or straight, you can measure its length. The midpoint is the spot on the segment at this mid length, equidistant from the endpoints when moving on the segment.

How do you find the length of a segment when given the endpoint and midpoint?

double the length

How do you find the length of the segment if you know an endpoint and the midpoint?

-- Find the distance between the endpoint and the midpoint.-- Double that distance to get the length of the complete segment.-- When you're finished, sit quietly for a moment and ponder the meaning of "midpoint".

Why a line segment has only one midpoint but can have many bisectors?

All bisectors intersect the line segment at the midpoint. There can be multiple bisectors, intersecting at the midpoint at different angles, but they all intersect the line segment at its midpoint. The midpoint separates the line segment into two equal halves.

What is the length and midpoint of the line segment joining the points of -6 1 and 6 6?

Length = 13 units Midpoint = (0, 3.5)

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If the midpoint of a horizontal line segment with a length of 8 is 3 -2 then the coordinates of its endpoints are?

If the midpoint of a horizontal line segment with a length of 8 is (3, -2), then the coordinates of its endpoints are (6, -2) and (0, -4).

How do you find midpoint of a segment?

Take a compass, extend it about 3/4 of the length of the segment. Then from one end of the segment, draw a 180 degree arc. From the other end draw another arc. Connect the points where the arcs intersect. Where the line intersects with the segment is the midpoint of the segment. That is how you bisect a segment to find the midpoint - geometrically.

What is a point that divides a line segment into two segments of equal length?

A point that divides a segment into two segments of equal length is a midpoint.

Point that divides a segment into two segments of equal length?

This point is called the midpoint.

A line that intersects a segment at its midpoint?

A line that intersects a segment at its midpoint bisects the segment.