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The circumference is approx 4.71 feet.

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Q: How many linear feet does it take to make a circle 18 inches in circumference?
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Which is greater a circle with a circumference of 40.5 feet or a circle with radius 80 inches?

A circle with a radius of 80 inches has a circumference of 502.65 inches, which is equal to 41.8875 feet. Therefore, it is greater than a circle with a circumference of 40.5 feet.

The diameter of a circle is 6 feet 3 inches what is the circumference of the circle?

The circumference of a circle = pi*diameter. 6 feet 3 inches = 6.25 feet, pi*6.25 = 19.63495408 feet or the circumference of the circle is nearly 20 feet.

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If a circle's radius is 240 inches, its circumference is: 1,508 inches or 125.6 feet

How many linear feet are there in a 3 foot circle?

The circumference of a circle with a diameter of 3 feet is 9.4 feet.

How many linear feet are in a 20 foot diameter circle?

There are 20 linear feet across the diameter; and 20π ≈ 62.83 linear feet around the circumference.

What is the circumference of a circle with a perimeter of 196 linear feet?

196 feet of course. For a circle "perimeter" and "circumference" are just two words for the same thing.

If a circle has a diameter of 9 feet what is the circumference in inches?

Circumference of circle in inches: 108*pi = 399 inches to the nearest whole number

How many lineal feet around a 5 foot circle?

If the circle is 5 feet around the circumference then there are 5 linear feet in the circumference. If you are asking what is the circumference of a circle with a 5 foot diameter then the answer is Pi x d

Which has a greater area a circle with circumference of 40.5 feet orange a circle with radius 80 inches?

A circle with a radius of 80 inches has an area of 139.6 square feet A circle with a circumference of 40.5 feet has an area of 130.5 square feet

What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 7 feet 5inches?

7 feet 5 inches = 89 inches circumference = 89*pi inches

What is the circumference of a circle with a radius of 86 inches?

The circumference is approx 540.4 feet.

If the circumference of a circle is 37.68 feet what is the area in square inches of the circle?

16277.76 sq. inches