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Any shape that has 4 sides is a quadrilateral and some examples are:-

square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezoid and a kite

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Q: How many names can you call a quadrilateral?
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What other names can you call a parallelogram?

Quadrilateral * * * * * Nonsense. Most quadrilaterals are not parallelograms.

How many names for rhombus quadrilateral?

there are several names for rhombus quadrilaterals. rhombus quadrilateral is the main name of a rhombus quadrilateral. some other names arent very similar to this name but can still describe it.

What is all of the names of a square?

square, rectangle, quadrilateral, polygon, parallelogram, equilateral

What are all the names and requirements of a quadrilateral?

a quadrilateral has 4 (quad) sides. a square is a quadrilateral.

What name best describe the quadrilateral?

The best name is a quadrilateral: the name means a shape with four straight sides. You could call it a quadrangle (as in a triangle) though that name is used for an inner courtyard. Or you could call it a tetragon (as in pentagon, hexagon, etc). However, these names are as good as "quadrilateral", not better.

How many names can you name a quadrilateral shape as a rhombus?

Only one - a rhombus.

A quadrilateral that has no parallel sides?

i think you call it a irregular quadrilateral

Which quadrilaterals do not have parallel sides?

Quadrilaterals usually have special names only if they DO have parallel sides, or some other special property. You might just call it "quadrilateral", or "a quadrilateral with no parallel sides".

What is the names for rectangle?

a quadrilateral

Would it make sense to call a quadrilateral an n-gon?

no because a quadrilateral can be many shapes and non of them has the name of an n-gon

List of polygon names?


Other names for quadrangle?
