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Q: How many percent of all US firms employ 100 or fewer workers?
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What happens when wages are set above the equilibrium level by law?

Firms employ fewer workers than they would at the equilibrium wage.

How many are employed in the wrecking and demolition industry?

roughly 1,000 firms operate in this industry. These companies employ nearly 19,000 workers and secure more than $3.5 billion in sales. Many of these firms are small, family-owned companies

Where do most of the people in the securities field work?

brokerage firms employ the majority of the workers in this industry. Headquarters for these firms are located in New York City, where most of the executives and support personnel work. Mutual fund management companies and regional brokerages

What mechanism should be put in place to retain competent workers?

Some firms use the bonus system to reward their workers according to their skill level and competency. Factories sometimes employ the piece work system. IE the more productive a worker is, the more he is paid.

Firms will employ an input up to the point where?

The input's price equals its marginal revenue product

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How fragmented was the miscellaneous service machinery industry?

The miscellaneous service machinery industry is extremely fragmented and is dominated by relatively small, specialty manufacturers. Nearly all of the 1,165 firms operating in 2001 employed fewer than 100 workers.

How does spelization by workers benefit the firms employing them?

Workers who specialize become more efficient and thereby increase productivity.

Which of these is not an example of services provided by government to business firms?

workers for their factories

Which is not an example of services provided by government to business firms?

workers for a factory

When relationship between the wage and the quantity of labor that all firms are willing to employ is called?

the individual labor supply

How large is the commercial sign industry in Illinois?

In 1997, with fewer than half the number of firms in California, Illinois' 224 establishments accounted for almost the same dollar amount in shipments--$631 million (8 percent of the U.S. total).