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Q: How many vassals could a lord have?
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Who did the vassals eventually become and how did they support themselves?

Vassals could receive more land from the lord and if they were rich enough, vassals could become a lord to other vassals. Feudalism could become confusing.

What is a medieval lord called?

A Medieval Lord was simply known as LORD, YOUR LIEGE, or YOUR HONOR. The rank below a Lord was vassals, below vassals were serfs, which is the lowest position. Also he could be known as Sire.

How could vassals become a lord?

through a ceremony called the "Kiss and Peace" ceremony.

How many vassals were there in the medieval ages?

thousands.. each lord and lady had hundreds

Why did vassals have to serve lords?

Vassals had to serve lords because the vassals promised to serve a lord in exchange for land.

What service did the vassal provide?

the services the vassals had to offer his lord were to expect to live up to the bargain, (feudal contract). If they followed this rule there would be peace maintained. Vassals could get tittled to land by purchase, marriage, or a gift from lord by service in war.

What class of people swore loyalty to a lord?


What was one pormsie vassals made to their lord in the feudal contract?

The lords promised to give their vassals protection and fiefs, or estates.

The ceremony in which men became vassals to their lord was called?


What was the lord of the manors primary duty?

To protect his vassals and their land

Those who accepted land in return for pledges of military service were called?

vassals. Vassals were appointed by a lord to protect him in exchange of land.

What kind of clothing do vassals wear?

You see, vassals could be anybody in the Medieval feudal pyramid. A vassal could be a Lord or noble, a serf, a knight, or even the king. All of their clothing were different. So first you must decide what specific person, then you can research more on what they wore.