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It all depends on the contract and team. If the team is going to pay a megastar to come then alot.

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Q: How much does a basketball player makes in ten years?
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How much money does an basketball player makes?

not a lot

How much a basketball player makes a month?

It depends on how much the players earns on his/her contract annually. The better the player, means a better contract and a higher salary.

How much money does an NBA Basketball player make yearly?

that depends on how good of a player you are. A star player makes alot more than the 12th Man.

How much do a basketball player get paid?

Any where from 410k to 20 million. Lebron James makes 17.91 million a year

How much money does a professional basketball player earn in Luxembourg?

The average amount of money that a professional basketball player makes in Denmark is about $5 million. The amount will vary depending on the experience and teams played for.

How much money earn professional basketball player earn per game?

1 cent per 10 years

How much does a euro basketball player make?

That would be 1 million euros; but Josh Childress makes about 10 million us dollars.

What is a control player in basketball?

A control player in basketball, is one who does not rely as much on the power behind his shots, as on their placement.

It pops because of how much air there is in. The air takes over and makes the basketball rip. Too much air can cause a reaction to the basketball. Why does a basketball pop?

a basketball is kinda like a ballon if it has to much air it pops

How much money does a basketball player make?


How much a basketball player make a year?

It varies...

What education do basketball players need?

there are none, but the age was changed 2 years ago from 18 (or just out of high school) to 19 (after freshman year of college) but you can go to Europe to play professionally there for a year and return to the us at 19 and enter the draft.