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Q: How old isGandalf mark todds horse?
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How old is Mark Todd's 2008 Olympic horse Gandalf?

He is 11 years old. He was born on 17th march 1999

How long can a horse live approxomately?

a horse can live up to 20-25 years old but once a horse reaches the mark of 23 it's muscles start to die. this means that your horse will rather stay in a field than in a stable.

How do you play Old MacDonald had a horse?

there is no game of Old MacDonald had a horse

How old is an 8 year old horse in horse years?


How do you tell how old a horse is?

You can tell how old a horse is by the grove on its last incisor's.

How old is your horse in French?

How old is your horse is "quel âge a ton cheval ?" in French.

How old is mark greenwood?

mark is 47 years old i think

How old is mark bentley?

Mark Bentley is 34 years old.

On the game howrse your horse is 10 months old how old will it be the next day?

A horse ages 2 months a day on howrse, if you take care of your horse. If your horse is 10 months, your horse will then be 12 months the next day. Making your horse 1 year old.

How old is a horse to be?

A horse can be up to 50 yrs

What is a juvenile horse?

A horse that is 2-years old.

What do you call an old horse?

An old horse over the age of 15 is called a veteran I believe