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Q: How would you get your pagibig tacking noif you are altrady registered in pag-ibig fund?
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Would a tenancy be registered at land registry?

Short-term tenancy would not be registered. If a tenancy is granted in form of a lease of seven years or more, it would have to be registered compulsorily.

Is there a name for the act of turning 90 degrees from starboard?

Not really as the question is not clear. Turning 90 degrees from your present course would be tacking. Sometimes called coming about or beating.

What does W reg referring to cars mean?

The year of registration, as an example W suffix ABC123W would have been registered 1980/81 W prefix W123ABC would have been registered 2000 This applies to British registered vehicles,

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You can obtain a dual registration from CKC for your AKC registered Dog. AKC does not recognize CKC (Continental Kennel Club). Therefore your litter would need to be CKC registered. You can print out your applications at

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If you have a nephroptosis (floating kidney) the repair would be nephropexy or a tacking/securing the kidney to the peritoneum. If you have mastptosis (drooping breasts) then the repair would be mastopexy or a breast lift. The suffix "-pexy" means "to fix in place".

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they would tell a clerk their details, he would then register them.

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Yes your horse would have to be q registered breed to race.

What type paperwork does a registered nurse have?

Answer Registered Nurses have tons of paper work to do. My suggestion to you would be to go to a seminar for a Nursing School and see just exactly what is required from a Registered Nurse and take it from there.

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what is best way to conceal weed for urine test?..stop tacking it 1 week

What is a tacking stitch?

a tacking stitch is a type of stitch you would you when sewing things together.A tacking stitch is a rough stitch used to hold two pieces of material roughly together while they are being properly stitched.

In the state of Florida can a car be registered by one person and insured by another?

A car can be registered and insured by a number of people. Usually they are one and the same. A car can be insured with having it registered to you if you would like to drive it.