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Q: How would you graph y equals -2 x equals -1?
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Yes, that is a shifted tanX graph, just as you would shift any graft.

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Well I cant graph it for you but its a linear line some points would be (0,-1) (1,-2) (2,-3)(3,-4) (-1,0) (-2,1) (-3,2) and so on

How do you graph y equals - x 2?

This would be an upside-down parabola, with it's apex being at {0,0}. You can graph it by taking a few values of x (-2, -1, 0, 1, and 2 would be enough), finding their corresponding y positions(-4, -1, 0, -1, and -4 respectively), plotting them on the graph paper, and roughly sketching the curve that they follow.

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y 2 1 x 0 1 2

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It would be a circle, centered at the origin, with a radius of 2.

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It would be less steep

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the graph is 2 straight lines from the origin in quadrants 1 and 2 at angle of 45 and 135 degrees from 0

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