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Q: How would you write three hundreds and six hundredths as a decimal?
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How do you write sixty three hundreds as a decimal?

Well, if the question is actually How do you write sixty three hundredths as a decimal?, then it would be 0.63 or .63 !!

82 hundreds in decimal natations?

82 hundreds is 8200.0 If you mean 82 hundredths then is would be .82

How would you read the decimal 23.23?

23.23 = twenty-three and twenty-three hundredths

What is the hundredths place of 106?

The hundredths place is two to the right of the decimal, which would be a zero in this example. Don't confuse that with the hundreds place, which in this example is a 1.

What does 8 hundreds look like in decimal form?

8 hundred or 8 hundredths?8 hundred would be: 800.08 hundredths would be: 0.08.I'm guessing that 8 hundredths is the answer you're looking for.

How would you write one and three one hundredths in decimal form?


How do you write 3.04 in words?

3.04 written in words would be, three and four hundredths. One decimal place is tenths, two is hundredths, three would be thousandths.

What digit is in the hundredths column of 1569?

1569 Does NOT have a hundredths column. NB However '1' is in the 'thousands' column '5' is in the 'hundreds' column (NB Note the spelling) '6' is in the 'tens' column '9' is on the 'units' column. When 'th' is used in the name it refers to the decimal position. In '1569' there is no decimal position.

How do your right three hundredths as a decimal?

The answer will depend on what is wrong with it!Alternatively, you would write it as 0.03

How would you write 0.23 in decimal numbers and words?

0.23 in decimal = 0.23 0.23 in words = twenty-three hundredths

How would you write for hundredths of a decimal?

A hundredths is 0.01

What is 360 as a decimal?

it would be 360.00 because for it to be something like 3.60 it would need to say: three and six hundredths.