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The sample variance is 1.

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Q: If a sample of size 3 students showed the following grades in a certain exam 74 75 and 76 then the variance is?
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Where does the apostrophe go in Ten students grades?

Ten students' grades were below passing.Ten students' grades had improved.Here grades is a plural common noun and needs no apostrophe.Students is a plural common noun. Students possess grades; therefore it needs an apostrophe.Ten students' coats were still in the closet.Ten students' voices were louder than the others.

Can schools tell you what to when you're not there?

In certain schools, Yes. At mine, my teachers have a website for grades and attendance that students and parents can access

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Tardiness does not necessarily make students get low grades, but it certainly does not help their grades, especially if they are tardy repeatedly.

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Jupiter grades was made for teachers to calculate students grades.

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Which software application can best help teachers determine their students' average grades?

A grading software such as PowerSchool or Infinite Campus would be ideal for teachers to calculate students' average grades efficiently. These platforms allow teachers to input grades, track progress, and generate reports to determine the average grades of their students.

Do students grades drop if their not in sports?

Not really....but if you decide to play a sport your grades get better

Do students grades drop if they participate in sports?

yes my grades dropped from A's to C's

Is it the same to get 88 in college than to get 80 since they are equivalent to 3 points?

It depends on the institution, department, and/or professor how grades are weighted. That being said, I would reword your question so that contributors can better answer your request. I myself am not really certain of what you are referring to. i assume you are referring to how students are graded.It depends on the institution, department, and/or professor how grades are weighted. That being said, I would reword your question so that contributors can better answer your request. I myself am not really certain of what you are referring to. i assume you are referring to how students are graded.It depends on the institution, department, and/or professor how grades are weighted. That being said, I would reword your question so that contributors can better answer your request. I myself am not really certain of what you are referring to. i assume you are referring to how students are graded.It depends on the institution, department, and/or professor how grades are weighted. That being said, I would reword your question so that contributors can better answer your request. I myself am not really certain of what you are referring to. i assume you are referring to how students are graded.It depends on the institution, department, and/or professor how grades are weighted. That being said, I would reword your question so that contributors can better answer your request. I myself am not really certain of what you are referring to. i assume you are referring to how students are graded.It depends on the institution, department, and/or professor how grades are weighted. That being said, I would reword your question so that contributors can better answer your request. I myself am not really certain of what you are referring to. i assume you are referring to how students are graded.

Do school uniforms not help students grades?

There is no clear evidence that school uniforms have a direct impact on students' grades. Factors such as teacher quality, class size, and educational resources may play a larger role in academic performance. Uniforms may promote a sense of belonging and reduce distractions, which could indirectly benefit students' academic focus and behavior.

Why should students with failing grades stopped from playing sports?

To "help" them concentrate on their studies and get better grades

What is wrong with schools today?

students are misbehaving in class, and some students dont care about their grades.