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The question asks for the probability of an even card OR a red card. The term "OR" is key since this is not the same as the probability of drawing an even card and a red card, that is to say an even red card. GIven any two events, A and B P(A or B)=P(A)+P(B)-P(A and B) IF A and B are mutually exclusive, then P(A and B)=0 and this equation becomes P(A)+P(B) However, they are NOT in this case. So let A be the probability the card is even and B the probability it is red. P(A)=20/52 since J, K and Q are neither even nor odd (20=(52-12)/2)) P(B)=26/52 since half the cards are red. P(A and B) is the probability that a card is red AND even. We have 20 even cards, half of them are red and half are black so the odds are 10/52 of being red and even. P (A or B)=20/52+26/52-10/52=9/13

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Q: If you draw a card from a normal deck of cards what is the probability that you will draw an even number or red card?
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