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They add to 360 degrees.

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Q: In a tessellation the angles of the regular polygons around a given vertex what do they always add up to?
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What is a regular tessellation?

A regular polygon has 3 to 5 or more sides and angles, they should be all equaled. A regular tessellation means a tessellation made up of congruent regular polygons.

Do all polygons have congruent angles?

No only regular polygons have congruent angles.

How many ways can you find the sum of measures of the exterior angles of a polygon?

The sum of a regular polygons exterior angles always = 360

Are all polygons regular?

Not all polygons are regular by definition. An irregular polygon may have non-congruent sides or non congruent angles or both. A regular polygon will always have both congruent sides and angles.

What are convex polygons with congruent sides and congruent angles?

Convex polygons with congruent sides and congruent angles are called regular polygons.

Do internal angles of regular and irregular polygons always equal 360 degrees?

No, the sum of internal angles of polygons is represented by the equation 180(n-2) where n is the number of sides. The sum of the external angles, however, does always equal to 360 degrees.

What polygons are irregular and regular?

Regular polygons are when all the sides are same length and all the angles are the same size. Irregular polygons are shapes where the sides are not all the same and the angles are different.

What are regular polygons?

Regular polygons are those polygons that are bothequilateral (all sides congruent) and equilateral (all interior angles congruent).

What are polygons with all equal sides and angles called?

They are known as regular polygons.

What has congruent sides and congruent angles?

Regular polygons have congruent sides and angles

Which polygons do not tessellate?

Pentagons, decagons, and octagons will not tessellate. In order to create a tessellation, the sum of the angles at a point must be 360.

what is the name of polygons you given to a shape?

There are lots of different types of polygons Polygons are classified into various types based on the number of sides and measures of the angles.: Regular Polygons Irregular Polygons Concave Polygons Convex Polygons Trigons Quadrilateral Polygons Pentagon Polygons Hexagon Polygons Equilateral Polygons Equiangular Polygons