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The fraction is 3/10.

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Q: In an aquarium 2 5 of the fish are surgeonfish of those 3 4 are yellow tangs what fraction of all fish in the aquarium are yellow tangs?
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Can the yellow tang kill other fish?

A Pacific blue tang, commonly called a Dory fish from the Disney move "Finding Nemo," can typically be kept with a Hawaiian yellow tang. Yellow tangs can be aggressive towards other tangs with similar round body shapes. Since blue tangs have an elongated body, yellow tangs do not consider them a threat. Some tangs require a large aquarium; yellow tangs can grow to over 7 inches in length while blue tangs can grow up to 12 inches long. Juvenile blue tangs can be kept in smaller tanks up to 75 gallons but as they grow and mature they should be moved into larger aquariums.

Can blue tangs live in saltwater aquariums?

They are saltwater fish. Tangs are pretty hardy too. The yellow tangs are the most common. They can all live in a saltwater aquarium as long as you keep up the tank properly. Tangs can get aggresive so only have one tang at a time as they will fight each other.

What is a surgeonfish?

The surgeonfish (sometimes called surgeon fish) are members of the Acanthuridae family, which contains tangs, unicornfish, and doctorfish.The name "surgeonfish" is derived from the razor sharp spines (scalpels) at the base of their bodies, just in front of the tail fin. These are very sharp!

Were do yellow tangs live in the ocean?

Yellow Tangs natural habitat is shallow reefs in the Indian and western Pacific oceans

How do yellow tangs breed?

by eating

Where do yellow tangs live?

In the ocean.

Are Yellow Tangs endangered?

Yes, because of poachers

Are yellow tangs salt water or freshwater?

Saltwater :)

Do sharks eat yellow tangs?

no they do not they have no real enemies

Are yellow and blue tangs endangered?

No, they are common fish.

Common name for blue tang?

There are two species, in two different genera, called "blue tang." The Atlantic blue tang is in the genus Acanthurus (species, Acanthurus coeruleus). The blue tang native to the Pacific and Indian Oceans is in the genus Paracanthurus (species Paracanthurus hepatus). This is the one that is more popular as a marine aquarium fish. It is also called the regal tang, blue surgeonfish, hippo tang, palette surgeonfish, or flagtail surgeonfish. Both of these blue tangs are in the family Acanthuridae, the surgeonfishes. For more information:

Can you keep a regal tang in a tropical tank?

No. Not in the traditional definition of the tropical tank. A tropical tank is a freshwater aquarium. Regal Tangs are saltwater fish and go in a saltwater tank (marine aquarium).