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Q: Is an Octagon a convex polygon with congruent sides and congruent angles?
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Is a convex heptagon a polygon where all sides and angles are congruent?

Not necessarily. A convex heptagon is a polygon but it need not have all sides and angles congruent.

What is a convex polygon with all sides congruent and all angles congruent?

A convex polygon with congruent sides and congruent angles is a regular polygon.Some regular pilgrims have specific names: Equilateral triangle and square

A regular polygon is defined to be a convex polygon with all sides and all angles?

congruent; congruent

Is A regular polygon is a convex polygon with all sides congruent and all angles congruent?


A regular polygon is a convex polygon with all sides congruent and all angles congruent?


A regular polygon is defined to be a convex polygon with all sides?

with all sides equal (congruent) AND all angles equal (congruent). In these circumstnces the adjective "convex" is redundant.

A figure with all of its sides congruent?

That doesn't have a special name. If all the angles are also congruent (and convex), then it is called a regular polygon.

What are convex polygons with congruent sides and congruent angles?

Convex polygons with congruent sides and congruent angles are called regular polygons.

What is a convex polygon with congruent sides and congruent angels?

That is called a regular polygon.

Is the sum of the interior angles of a convex polygon the same as a non-convex polygon?

No. In a convex polygon the sum of the interior angles is (n-2)*180 deg where n is the number of interior angles. In a non-convex polygon this is not necessarily true.

What is the measure of the exterior angles of a convex octagon?

The measure of the exterior angle of a convex octagon is indeterminate.

Is a polygon that has all congruent faces and angles a concave polygon?

No it is not. On a number of counts.A polygon is an enclosed plane area whose boundaries comprise straight lines. It is, therefore, a 2-dimensional object and so does not have faces. If you meant sides instead, the answer is still NO. If all the sides and and angles are congruent then the polygon MUST be convex.