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Not if you are the shooter. If you have possession of the ball and you jump in the air, you must pass or shoot the ball before you land or you will be charged with a travelling violation (generally called 'up and down').

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Q: Is it OK if you land with the ball after trying a jump shot in basketball?
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What is one rule for basketball?

if you jump up with the ball you must release it before you land

What is the meaning of up and down in basketball?

When you have possession of the ball, jump in the air with both feet leaving the ground, and land with the ball still in your possession. That is you landed without shooting, passing, or without getting it stolen. You may however shoot, get blocked, and land, which results in a jump ball. It is usually called a travel.

Can you jump and land on both feet then pass the ball?

If you have the ball in your hands to start with then no, that is called a travel

How do you Pro-Hop?

A Pro-Hop is a move that is more formally known as the "jump-stop" or "jump-step." A jump-step is when you are driving or moving with the ball and then putting both hands on the ball to do a jump towards any direction you wish, landing on both feet at the same time. If you don't land on your feet at the same time, it is considered a travel. After you land, you can only jump, pass, or score- not move. You cannot move at all after you land.

What is a jump shot in basketball?

== == == == A jump shot is just a shot that isn't a layup, dunk, or floater. Basically a shot at least 10ft away and requires you to jump and release with a stroke. when a person playing basketball elevates (jumps) before taking a shot<< this can sometimes improve accuracy and decrease distance from the basket. == == when a person playing basketball elevates (jumps) before taking a shot<< this can sometimes improve accuracy and decrease distance from the basket.

How do you break you ankle through netball?

when you jump for ball land on your ankel then cry then go to hospital to see if broke

Is it foul if cue ball jumps after hitting the object ball in 8-ball?

Depends.... Does the ball "jump" off the table and land on the floor? If so then yes. If it jumps off the table and lands back on with out falling into the pocket then no(like a jump). once the ball (any ball) hits the floor it is a foul. jumps are allowed in billards (except snooker i believe)

How do you pro hop or power hop properly in basketball?

While running jump off of one foot, land on both feet at the same time. You have just power hopped. From this position you can jump once.

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soccer, basketball, and ice hockey its kinda like water polo on land...

What foot must be grounded until the ball is released in netball?

The foot that you land on when you catch the ball is the foot you keep on the ground until the ball is released. the best idea is to jump as you catch the ball to avoid having both feet staying still.

Can you jump during a fouls shot in basketball?

Yes, you may jump, as long as the shooter does not jump over the line. You may cross the free throw line once the ball hits the rim. Typically, pros do not jump, but it is more common to see juniors jumping since they may not be strong enough to reach the basket without jumping.

What are the physics of parkour?

In Parkour, GRAVITY is a challenge, or an obstacle to be overcome.It would have been easy to wall-run without gravity, and chances of getting hurt is also less.It would have been easy to do an Anti-Gravity KONG VAULT.