

Is it good to paint Co2 guns?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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there's nothing wrong with it but if you want to go to a paint ball store to get them to do is right

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Q: Is it good to paint Co2 guns?
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Would co2 push something faster than air?

Yes, Co2 packs more of a punch than compressed air. They use Co2 for paint ball guns, and regular paint guns. It is also used for some BB or Air Soft guns.

What do remotes do for paint ball guns?

Remotes allow to mount your air or co2 tank of your paintball gun.

Where can you get a big barrel of CO2 for refills for paint ball guns?

You Rent big bottles and fill your tanks from that. Fine out who deliverys to your local pub as they will use the same co2.

What is the difference between paintball guns and bb guns?

Nearly everything. Paintball guns are fired through the use of air or CO2. Also they shoot only paint. bb Guns shoot pellets, and look completely different then most paintball guns.

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You paint Buzz Bee guns the same way you would paint Nerf guns. You can use spraypaint or just regular paint.

Do cars need CO2 more than CO?

co2s because its used for lots of things like paint ball guns and lots of other things.....=)

Is it illegal to have CO2 airsoft guns in airsoft teams?

Most all teams allows virtually all types of guns. The question is what fields are the CO2 guns allowed.

How do C02 pellet guns actually work?

CO2 pellet guns work by using CO2 for rapid fire, with CO2 the gun does not need to be pumped or recorked after every fire. You can also find spring loaded pellet guns.

How do you put a CO2 canister on a paint ball gun?

You simply screw the CO2 into the back of the gun. Unless your CO2 should go elsewhere which is different to each gun.

Are all co2 airsoft guns metal?


Where can I purchase paint guns online?

There are many different types of paint guns available on the market. Here are several websites that offer quality paint guns at reasonable prices:

Can you convert a co2 airsoft gun into a green gas?

No, Co2 airsoft guns run off disposable 12 gram cartridges, whereas green gas guns have internal storage and are refilled by propane tanks. Actually there are now dual use guns and adapters to use CO2 to fill green gas guns .