

Is it important to be tall when being the goal keeper?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Being tall might be an advantage,but speed,quickness,and flexibility are what is more likely 'important' to play the position. Good hand/foot to eye coordination couldn't hurt either. A strong punt kick helps too. GOAL!!!

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Q: Is it important to be tall when being the goal keeper?
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Great hands, stop shots, concentration and be able to verbally organise the defense. Being tall helps but it is not essential, the most important job of a goal keeper is to keep the ball out of the net and as long as you find a way to help achieve that goal is doesn't matter if your 5-8, 6-8 or 7-8

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The GK is the Goal Keeper and is allowed in the Goal circle and Goal third. She defends against the opposing Goal Shooter. She must mark the Goal Shooter and try to intercept passes into the Goal Circle; She must recognise the need to Mark the GS away from the Goal Post and defend the shot at goal and position for a possible rebound under the post. She must take Backline Throw-in accurately. It is good for the GK to be tall, agile and must be good at intercepting and position herself tactfully in the goal circle to upset the shot encourage long shots into the Goal.

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there are 7 positions C, WA, WD, GA. GD, GS and GK. There are each of these players from both teams and their partners are from both team C-C, WA-WD, WD,-WA, GS- GK, GK-GS, GA-GD, GD, GA If you are short you are better off playing Centre, Wing Attack and Wing Defence. If you are quite tall than you should probably start playing, Goal Shooter, Goal Keeper, Goal Attack and Goal Defence. There are 7 positions on each team, your opponent team has 7 to. Goal Keeper plays on Goal Shooter, Centre plays on Centre, Goal Defence plays on Goal Attack and Wing Defence plays on Wing Attack and vice versa. Each player gets a certain amount of court. Goal Shooter gets the attacking third and the attacking goal circle, Goal Attack gets the centre third, the atacking third and the attacking goal circle, Wing Attack gets the centre third and the attacking third, Centre gets the centre third, the attacking third and the defending third, but not the two circles, Wing Defence gets the centre third and the defending third, Goal Defence gets the centre third, the defending third and the defending circle, Goal Keeper gets the defending third and the defending circle. GS stands for GOAL SHOOTER, GA stands for GOAL ATTACK, WA stands for WING ATTACK, C stands for CENTRE, WD stands for WING DEFENCE, GD stands for GOAL DEFENCE, GK stands for GOAL KEEPER.

Why do you have to be tall to play the goalkeeper in netball?

You dont have to be tall to be the gk it's just better to be tall so you can get the rebounds and block the shooters goal However, being tall can help you catch interceptions more easily and might put more pressure on the other players when you defend them.

What are the dimensions of a football goal in cm?

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How tall is an NCAA basketball goal?

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1 milicentimeter

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How tall would a shadow be of a basketball goal?

0 inches tall. it's a shadow you moron!

Height and width of the football goal?

the height and width of the goal is 20 feet wide and 8 feet tall