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Q: Is pre test and post test qualitative data collection?
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Related questions

Is a flame test qualitative or a quantitative analysis?

A flame test is a qualitative analysis because you are not working with numbers and data, as in a quantitative analysis, but you are working with colours.

How qualitative and quantitative are similar?

It depends in which context your talking about, in the psychological context Quantitative data is number data such as results from a test, percentages Qualitative data is data where you take notes of what someone is saying or how they have been acting etc not involving numbers.

Why is the examination of collected data important?

Examination of collected data is important because, if you examine it you could check if something's wrong or another test or collection and compare the data you have to the test or collection you just did.

Is a flame test a qualitative or quantitative test?

The flame test in analytical chemistry is only qualitative.

Why Benedict's qualitative test is called semi quantitative?

The Benedict's qualitative test is called semi-qualitative since it is not totally conclusive.

What is the test for a disaccharide?

It's the qualitative test.

What is the process of gathering information?

gather information means to collect all information and put it in one

Is the flame test a qualitative or quantitative test for the identity of an unknown?

just looking at the color of the flame --- qualitative

Difference between quantitative and qualitative test?

Qualitative test represents the substance and a quantitative test shows the amount.First Deals with descriptions, second one with numbers

Why is a chi-squared test for qualitative data always right-tailed?

A chi square is square of standard normal variate, so all values are positive

Why is the MPN test qualitative?

The test is considered qualitative because you are looking for a negative or a positive test . A example is looking for change of colour in the brilliant green bile broth tubes.

Is Heller's test qualitative or quantitative?

It is quantitative.