

Is the undertaker and Kane really borthers?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Is the undertaker and Kane really borthers?
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What is the once and for all answer to undertaker and Kane being related?

they are not borthers

Are WWE superstars Kane and undertaker borthers?

No they aren't. It was just a part of the story lines.

Is WWE Kane brothers with undertaker?

Within WWE Kayfabe, Kane and The Undertaker are infact half-brothers. They have been told to have been born from the same mother, with different fathers respectivately.

Who really did that to undertaker?

It was Kane cause the undertaker use his tombstone on Kane on summerslam 2010 You have that backwards, Kane tombstoned Taker

Is Undertaker and Kane real borthers?

Of course, they are. I knew it from a biography of Undertaker, where he claims Kane to be his own younger brother. August 25, 2008 NO!!!!!!!!!!! they are not related to each other at all. It is for story line only!!!!! Both the book biography and video biography, stating the real life of Kane say that they are related.

How old is mom of Kane and the undertaker?

Kane and underrtaker are not really brothers

Is Kane and the undertaker are really brothers?


Did Kane's and Undertaker's moms die in a fire when they where children?

Not really, its just part of the WWE storyline where Kane and Undertaker are rivals.

Has anyone ever seen Kane or Undertaker's parents im mean really if you have for answer put the info about how to get there?

No to Kane and the Undertaker's parents are dead

Why was WWE superstar Kane was so mad ever since undertaker got hurt?

The Undertaker and Kane were really close friends.

Is Rey Mysterio really Undertaker's attaker?

no it is Kane

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