

Just tell me who kelly kelly loves?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Just tell him!

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Thats cute!! And just go talk to her! Or tell him to... Its better if he does it though(:

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it's will just know

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maybe u should just tell him the truth....... :S

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Just ask him, If you are having doubts about him still loving you, Just speak to him about it. I hope it works out. (:

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Just tell him if he freaks out who cares or just have a friend tell ir write a note

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You can't tell it instead you can feel it. Just let your heart guide you and you will know the answer to your question :)

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hes just shy probarley

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You should just tell her if she really loves you she would understand

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It is not weird. Some siblings aren't as close as others. My sister doesn't tell me that she loves me, and we are close, she just isn't tell people how she feels very often.