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translating ancient texts into Arabic.

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Q: One way in which the Muslims preserved the teachings of other cultures was by?
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Why do western culture tend to dominate other cultures?

cus there evil and oppress other ppl

Why did the Chinese make contact with other cultures?

The Chinese needed trade, and they wanted to expand their influence and culture. This was why the Chinese made contact with other cultures. They became very important traders over time.

What people did the Romans copy?

The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.The Romans did not copy anybody. They were influenced by other cultures, the Etruscan and Greek being the dominate influencing peoples. The Romans adapted certain features of other cultures to the Roman culture. For example, they studied Greek law and adapted the Greek system of voting but in a different, uniquely, Roman way.

How did contact with other cultures change empire in the 1850s?

working-class lives 1800's?

Which cultures traded with each otherand what did they trade?

All cultures in the world traded with each other and they traded all sorts of goods. You need to ask a more specific question if you want a more specific answer.

Related questions

Were the Muslims influenced by other cultures?


What did the Muslims do to modify the land to adapt to the climate?

They preserved old learning from India. They adapted by using an existing object and or a way of doing something and made improvements on it to make it become more useful in the Muslim world.

What cultures did the byzantines preserves?

The Byzantines preserved Greek culture. The other cultures in the territories of their empire were lost as they were taken over by the Arabs, Slavs and Turks.

How did Muslims use the architectural styles of other cultures?

Muslims live around the world, so it would be necessary to know which "city" is in question.

How do the teachings of Quran affect the everyday life of Muslims?

Quran teaches Muslims: * how to worship God, * how to be tolerant and kind, * how to treat non Muslims, * how to be of good morals and conduct, * how to be patient and thankful to God, and * many other teachings that lead to having good Muslims towards themselves, their community, and their God. Refer to related questions below.

What is mosque to Muslims?

Mosque to Muslims is God house where Muslims gather for praying, studying Islam teachings, and reciting Quran. Like how a Christians go to a church on Sunday (or any other day to pray), Muslims go to the Mosque on Friday (or any other day to pray).

What do other cultures celebrate instead of Christmas?

There are various traditions that other cultures celebrate instead of Christmas. For Muslims, they celebrate Ramadan, Jews celebrate Hanukkah and so much more.

How did the Muslims transmitted acient literature to other cultures?

It was adapted by Spaniards, while many other cultures of that time (western civilization) was under Muslim rule after being conquered during the crusades.

What was the main difference between Muhammad's teachings and other Muslims?

One key difference was that Muhammad claimed to be a prophet with a direct line of communication to God, while other Muslims did not make this claim. Additionally, Muhammad's teachings emphasized monotheism and the importance of following the Quran as the literal word of God, which set him apart from other religious leaders of his time.

How do muslims get their education?

They get their education as all other people of other religions and other cultures: through schooling, either in public, private, home, or religious environments.

How do Egyptian Muslims bring religion into their daily lives?

By maintaining good morals, being honest in their sayings and doings, helping and supporting the poor, respecting other faiths and cultures, ... etc. All this are examples of what they learn through the Islam and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) teachings. Refer to questions below.

Why are some Sikh thoughts different from other cultures and religions?

They are more enlightened and are better than stupid incestuous Muslims and hindus