

What's a girl called who runs a marathon?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What's a girl called who runs a marathon?
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Where was marathon invented?

During the Battle of Marathon in Athens Greece, an Athenian messenger boy called Pheidippides ran 26 miles to announce to the rest of Athens the victory they achieved. The Athenians defeated a larger Persian force at the location of Marathon. At the end of the messenger Pheidippides run he dropped dead from exhaustion. Today these long runs called "Marathons" held at places like New York include a distance of 26 miles.

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Though it was bitterly cold, the woman training for her marathon endured her runs through the winter months and completed the marathon with an outstanding time.

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When is the 2014 Disney Marathon Weekend taking place?

The 2014 Disney Marathon Weekend is taking place between the Januar 8-January 12 in 2014. Besides the full marathon lenght there are also several other runs to take apart of, like the 10k run.

Did Sarah Palin's father Chuck legally run the Boston Marathon?

How would a person illegally run a marathon? Assuming he did not get money for doing so, why worry about it? To qualify for the Boston Marathon, you have to qualify in a marathon that is sanctioned by the Boston Marathon Association. Once you have qualified, you may enter the Boston Marathon. It is the only one that requires a qualifying time in order to enter. Many runners train hard to make the qualification time and are frustrated if someone jumps in the course and runs it illegally. There is no money involved, just hard, honest training.

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I found out what it's called. It's the air bypass tube. Thanks anyway.

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