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Q: What are Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci's brothers and sisters?
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What were Fibonacci's other names?

Fibonacci's other names were Leonardo of Pisa, Leonardo Pisano, Leonardo Bonacci and Leonardo Fibonacci.

Who made the sequence 1 1 2 3 5 8?

Leonardo Pisano Bigollo, also known as Leonardo Fibonacci (1170-1250).

Facts about Fibonacci?

Leonardo Pisano Bigollo (c. 1170 - c. 1250) - known as Fibonacci, and also Leonardo of Pisa, Leonardo Pisano, Leonardo Bonacci, Leonardo Fibonacci - was an Italian mathematician, considered by some "the most talented western mathematician of the Middle Ages."Fibonacci is best known to the modern world for the spreading of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system in Europe, primarily through the publication in 1202 of his Liber Abaci (Book of Calculation), and for a number sequence named the Fibonacci numbers after him, which he did not discover but used as an example in the Liber Abaci.Leonardo Fibonacci was born around 1170 to Guglielmo Bonacci, a wealthy Italian merchant. Guglielmo directed a trading post (by some accounts he was the consultant for Pisa) in Bugia, a port east of Algiers in the Almohad dynasty's sultanate in North Africa (now Béjaïa, Algeria). As a young boy, Leonardo traveled with him to help; it was there he learned about the Hindu-Arabic numeral system.Recognizing that arithmetic with Hindu-Arabic numerals is simpler and more efficient than with Roman numerals, Fibonacci traveled throughout the Mediterranean world to study under the leading Arab mathematicians of the time. Leonardo returned from his travels around 1200. In 1202, at the age of 32, he published what he had learned in Liber Abaci (Book of Abacus or Book of Calculation), and thereby popularized Hindu-Arabic numerals in Europe.Leonardo became an amicable guest of the Emperor Frederick II, who enjoyed mathematics and science. In 1240 the Republic of Pisa honored Leonardo, referred to as Leonardo Bigollo, by granting him a salary.Fibonacci died in Pisa, but the date of his death is unknown, with estimates ranging from 1240 to 1250.In the 19th century, a statue of Fibonacci was constructed and erected in Pisa. Today it is located in the western gallery of the Camposanto, a historical cemetery on the Piazza dei Miracoli.

Who are famous mathemathican?

# # Archimedes of Syracuse # Isaac Newton # Carl F. Gauss # Leonhard Euler # Euclid of Alexandria # Bernhard Riemann # Henri Poincaré # David Hilbert # Joseph-Louis Lagrange # Pierre de Fermat # Niels Abel # Alexander Grothendieck # Évariste Galois # Srinivasa Ramanujan Iyengar # Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz # Eudoxus of Cnidus # Karl Wilhelm Theodor Weierstrass # Leonardo `Fibonacci' Pisano # Blaise Pascal # René Déscartes # Brahmagupta `Bhillamalacarya' # Augustin Cauchy # Georg Cantor # John von Neumann # Aryabhatta # Kurt Gödel # Arthur Cayley # Carl G. J. Jacobi # Amalie Emma Noether # Pierre-Simon Laplace # Pythagoras of Samos # Hermann Klaus Hugo Weyl # Muhammed ibn Musâ al-Khowârizmi # Apollonius of Perga # William Rowan Hamilton

Who is Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci?

He is a famous mathematician, He created the numbers we use today. He wrote a book also, called, Liber Abbaci. Meaning 'Book of Calculating'. He created a sequence. You can find this sequence in many places, Mostly in nature. You can also find Fibonacci numbers in nature. You can find Fibonacci in the human body too. The sequence is 1 + 1 = 2 1 + 2 = 3 2 + 3 = 5 3 + 5 = 13 You take the last two numbers and add them to get a new number and add those two this sequence never stops. Most people cannot recite the first 20 Fibonacci Numbers. This will help you find the correct answer if you try it and do not get these numbers you did something wrong. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368...You Welcome for this answer if you have trouble or any corrections please contact me. My user name is South031796. If you have any concerns or additions please tell me I am doing this for Science Fair and need to know any further information. Thank You South031796

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Leonardo Pisano Bogollo, also known as Leonardo of Pisa, Leonardo Pisano, Leonardo Bonacci, Leonardo Fibonacci, or, most commonly, simply Fibonacci died in 1250

What was Fibonaccis' real name?

If you're talking about the medieval Italian mathematician who livedbetween roughly 1170 and 1250, it was Leonardo Pisano Bigollo.

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Leonardo Pisano was born in Italy in 1170. He lived in Pisa, Italy. He died in 1250. He was a medieval mathematician..

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The renowned Middle Ages mathematician's REAL NAME was Leonardo Pisano Bigollo (c. 1170 - c. 1250), but he was known by many names, such as Leonardo of Pisa, Leonardo Pisano, Leonardo Bonacci, Leonardo Fibonacci, and just plain Fibonacci.

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What were Fibonacci's other names?

Fibonacci's other names were Leonardo of Pisa, Leonardo Pisano, Leonardo Bonacci and Leonardo Fibonacci.

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Who is an Italian mathematician 1170-1250?

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Was Fibonacci a man?

Yes, his full name was Leonardo Pisano Bigollo.

When was Leonardo born'?

Leonardo Pisano was born in Italy in 1170. He lived in Pisa, Italy. He died in 1250. He was a medieval mathematician..

Who was Leonardo pisano's mother and father?

The father is Gugliemo Bonacci, and the mother is Allesandria Larracocci.