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they do exist in co/author i dont care

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Q: What are facts about the percentages for 6th and 7th graders?
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6th graders 8th graders and 7th graders go there

Why do seventh graders lead 6th graders on?

most of the time, i think it's because the seventh graders are older than the sixth graders (obviously) so the seventh graders think they can date (or whatever) whoever they want in sixth grade, or lead them on. or at least, that's what i think. Xd why would a 7th grader want to date a 6th graders and 6th graders shouldnt be dating

Why are seventh graders better than sixth and eighth graders?

Seventh graders may be perceived as more mature than sixth graders due to their increased experience in middle school and developing social skills. They may also have a better grasp of academic concepts compared to eighth graders who are often preparing for the transition to high school. However, individual differences play a significant role in determining which grade is "better" as each student develops at their own pace.

When is the ELA test?

It is in April 26, 27, and the 28 for 6th graders and 8th graders. And 2 days for 7th

How many schools does Gaston County have?

2 schools (Gaston elementary holds kindergartens through 6th graders and Gaston high school holds 7th graders through 12th graders)

Why do 7th and eighth graders get to only play sports in middle school?

They are to young to be playing with eighth graders!! Also it was clinically proven that the new transition for 6th Graders is 2 hard2 handle

Who gets more attention in a classroom males or females of 7Th and 6Th graders?

male because they do stupid things.

Can you be recruited in basketball in a young grade?

Yes, some coaches even recruit 6th,7th, and 8th graders.

Science fair projects for 6th graders and 7th graders and 8th graders and 9 graders?

Im in 1 of those grades..I would say make a crank wheel and a few tootsie pop and find how many licks it takes to get to the center of the pop. It would be intresting to know and fun

What is an invention that an average 6th grader can make?

ask a 6th grade teacher or a 7th grader im only in 5th grade im mixed with 6th graders hope this helps x]

Can a seventh grader date a 6th grader?

Not really because they want even remember you when you get in the 7th grade lOL i so agree these 6th graders

What do you feed 60 seventh graders?

with 60 other different 7th graders